
May 6, 2015

Welcome to The Reproductive Medicine Group Blog!

The staff at The Reproductive Medicine Group serving greater Tampa, Florida has created this new blog to keep you updated on exciting news and events that […]
May 6, 2015

Fertility Apps for Women on the Go

Numerous apps have been designed to help women track their menstrual cycles and predict ovulation.  Accessible by downloading from i-tunes or google play onto smartphones and […]
May 6, 2015

Learning to Deal with the Stress of Infertility

Like many women struggling to conceive, Jocie Fletcher often heard the phrase, “Just relax and you’ll get pregnant.” 
For the clinical social worker that was easier […]
May 6, 2015

Coping with Infertility During the Holidays

Author – Cloe Cabrera The holiday season is here.   For many of us, it means celebrating with family and friends. But for couples coping with infertility, […]
May 19, 2015

Why it is Important Not to Stress Over Infertility

Dr. Joette Giovinco, FOX 13 Medical Reporter, speaks with fertility experts on the importance of reducing the stress in your life while trying to become pregnant. […]
November 15, 2016

Infertility Myths Debunked

December 8, 2016

Paying for Parenthood

Infertility treatment costs aren’t cheap, but assistance is available
August 23, 2017

Pregnancy Loss and Miscarriage

Written by Keli Gerber, volunteer Miracle Mom Mentor at The Reproductive Medicine Group.       Hold on…..I can’t find a heartbeat. The words no mother, […]
December 12, 2022

RMG Patients Can Now Use the Prelude Connect App With Partner Linking

Responding to feedback from our patients, RMG is pleased to announce the addition of Prelude Connect, a mobile app and patient portal that allows you to […]